Striving for W5 Solutions in the Stimulus Package

President Obama and Congress must act to stimulate the US economy with a package of win-win-win-win-win (W5) elements that will:

  • Create and protect jobs throughout the nation
  • Foster economic activity that will help, through tax revenue, pay for the stimulus
  • Strengthen the nation's economic prospects for the long-term, and
  • Enhance energy security, and
  • Create progress on reducing emissions and otherwise turn the tide against Global Warming rising seas.

Good news: such W4 options exist in abundance.

Not so good news: W4 elements are not dominating the discussions nor the money in the draft stimulus package.

Throughout our efforts, Energize America has sought to find W4 options. To figure out ways to 'make the right choice, the easy and preferred choice'. We have, collectively, a moment to make real solutions core to US government policy. Let us, collectively, agree: Carpe Diem! Seize the Day for W5 solutions.

Two W5 Solution Concepts

Insulate America Against Economic and Climate Devastation. (Vote for Stimulate the Economy through Energy Efficient Buildings is in the "Citizen's Briefing Book" at Change.GOV.)

Plug-In Hybrid Electric School Buses (PHESBs)