Help Save the Wildlife and Wetlands

Humans have been known to be quite selfish and over the past years we have had a chance to witness this self loathing a handful of times, in the shape of wars, genocide, mass murders, etc. All of the inhumane things that have been taking place on this earth have been lowered in their intensity and overall happening, however, we are still the cruelest of all species on our planet. Now this inhumanity does not end with humans killing humans, it goes on to other species, like animals and fishes, etc., and the resulting effects ruin the whole planet.

For as long as I can remember, there have been movements going on, to try and stop others from destroying earth in one or the other. There has been little hope though. Not all humans are evil, in fact, it is only a handful of people who have taken a toll on earth and they have been doing things like killing innocent animals for financial gains, chopping of trees in the forests to make items for their personal usage, etc. Although, being humans, there are quite a few things that we can’t stop from happening, like eating meat of different animals; however, it is not justifiable to slaughter every animal in sight just to flourish off of them.

You might have heard of global warming, of course you would have. This is what happens when we don’t pay attention to what could go wrong if we mess with nature. Carbon emissions, pollutants of all sorts, all of these have led to our wildlife and wetlands being ruined. There are however, a lot of efforts being made in order to conserve our planet from becoming totally worn out.

Communities have been formed, committees have been set up, and activists are working, either led by governments or boosted with personal zeal, so as to try and figure out ways in which we can live in a more EcoFriendly way. There are a lot of steps that we, as individuals, can take on our own and become part of the efforts to conserve earth. Following are some of these ways in which you can play your part:

  • Don’t litter in the open. Use the trash cans, which are situated almost everywhere.
  • Try not to use those items, such as deodorants, and fuel run cars, which emit green house gases.
  • Join the adopt-a-tree and if you are financially stable enough, join the adopt-a-child foundations.
  • Don’t use paper, go virtual. Save the trees.
  • Try to conserve electricity and water. These resources are getting depleted really quickly.

There are a lot of people out there who want to help save the earth, so that their children and the generations to come in the future have a better place to survive than we are living in. The best way to go about doing that is to join a conservation movement or a group but you must ensure that they are really making a change, not just existing like all the others are.

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Purdy's Wharf Tower 1
Suite #1700
1959 Upper Water St.,
Halifax, NS, Canada B3J 3N2
E-mail: info [AT]


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